In Shandong丨重阳节:又忆山东兄弟



  The Double Ninth Festival, known as Chongyang Festival, falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month each year.This festival invariably evokes the Tang dynasty poet Wang Wei's “Remembering My Shandong Brothers on the Ninth Day of the Ninth Month“:

  “In foreign lands, a stranger I remain,

  Each festival, my homesickness grows twain.

  I know my brothers climbing the heights today,

  With cornel pinned, while I'm so far away.“


  Is the “Shandong“ in Wang Wei's Poem the Shandong of Today?

  《旧唐书·王维传》云:“王维,字摩诘。太原祁人。父处廉,终汾州司马(今山西省吉县),徙家于蒲,遂为河东人。” 王维15岁时就离家前往长安谋求发展,从22岁考中进士起,到61岁去世,宦海沉浮约四十年。王维的足迹以长安为圆心,东到洛阳以至齐鲁,西到凉州或者更西,北至榆林、新秦二郡,南至汉水、襄阳再到岭南。对于当时寄居长安的王维来说,因家乡蒲州在华山以东,故称“山东”,其实就是现在的山西。

  According to The Old Book of Tang, “Wang Wei, styled Mojie, was a native of Qi County in Taiyuan. His father Chulian ended his career as the Marshal of Fenzhou (now Jixian, Shanxi Province) and moved his family to Pu, thus becoming a resident of Hedong“. At the age of 15, Wang Wei left home to seek advancement in Chang'an. His career in the civil service spanned nearly 40 years, from passing the imperial examination at 22 until his death at 61. With Chang'an as the center, Wang Wei's travels extended east to Luoyang and as far as Qilu, west to Liangzhou and beyond, north to Yulin and Xinqin prefectures, and south to the Han River, Xiangyang, and further to Lingnan. For Wang Wei, who was residing in Chang'an, his hometown of Pu was east of Mount Hua, hence referred to as “Shandong“ (literally “East of the Mountains“), which is actually present-day Shanxi.


  How Do Today's “Brothers in Shandong“ Celebrate the Double Ninth Festival?


  Although Wang Wei's “Shandong“ was not the same as the present-day province, the deep familial affection conveyed in Wang Wei's poem has touched the hearts of countless homesick wanderers. Since the Tang Dynasty, when the Double Ninth Festival was officially recognized as a folk holiday, it has become a symbol of the Chinese tradition of respecting, honoring, and assisting the elderly. Over the years, folk customs such as climbing heights for distant views, autumn sightseeing, wearing cornel, drinking chrysanthemum wine, and eating Double Ninth cakes have developed. In Shandong province, different regions have their own unique Double Ninth customs. In northern Changyi, families drinkspicy radish soup on the day with a saying: “Drink radish soup, and the whole family will avoid misfortune“. In Juancheng, the festival is celebrated as the birthday of the God of Wealth, and every household bakes scorched cakes as offerings. In Zouping, the festival is marked by commemorating the Song Dynasty statesman Fan Zhongyan, with ceremonies held at his memorial temple. The Fan Zhongyan Temple, standing for over 900 years, has become the county's cultural heritage site. In Jinan, the “Double Ninth“ Mountain fair at Qianfo Mountain is the highlight of the day. The fair, which dates back to the Yuan Dynasty over 700 years ago, has evolved over time to emphasize folk art and cultural traditions, with watching performances, tasting snacks, and appreciating folk customs becoming key attractions.


  The number nine, in Chinese tradition, represents longevity and good fortune. While the customs surrounding the Double Ninth Festival have evolved with the times, the festival's core message remains unchanged—a deep longing for family reunion and national unity. This sentiment has been passed down through generations, woven into the cultural fabric of every Chinese person.

  (部分素材来源:新华社 中国网 济南宣传)



  文案:武玮佳 徐立璇(实习编辑)


审签:高 娜

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