Filigree: An Intangible Cultural Heritage Craftsmanship Pursuing the Ultimate



  Cascadinggolden threads, silver glinting like frost, intricate patterns, and exquisite designs - this is the essence of the filigree, a intangible cultural heritage craftsmanship that pursues the ultimate.


  Filigree can be traced back to the Shang Dynasty. After more than 3,000 years of history, it has evolved into a traditional metal handicraft that primarily uses gold or silver as the main material, complemented with other accessories. Through intricate engraving and hammering, these pieces are crafted into exquisite works of art for indoor display and decoration, while also serving practical functions.


  Xu Xiaoli, the third-generation inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage craftsmanship-filigree in Dongying Economic and Technological Development Zone, has been deeply influenced by her family’s artistic atmosphere and has been very interested in handicrafts since childhood. She has been learning from the elders in her family, constantly studying the making of filigree jewelry, and delving into traditional culture. In 2022, she established her personal studio - Xingling Gold Workshop.


  “Bang! Bang! Bang!” The sound of hammers tapping on metal echoes from the workshop’s goldworking area as Xu Xiaoli begins her work on a new piece. Each step, from drawing, melting, hammering, wire twisting,wire coiling, beading, welding, to inlaying, tests the patience and attention of the craftsman.


  “Among the various techniques in filigree, kingfisher feather inlayis particularly interesting. It can truly give the work more soul.” Using gold or silver as the base and kingfisher feathers as the soul, feathers with good color and luster are selectedfor kingfisher feather inlay. Combining metal craftsmanship with feather craftsmanship, the process is extremely intricate, involving boiling glue, applying glue, bonding, drying, filling, cleaning, and other steps that need to be repeated multiple times to create a piece with richer and fuller colors.  “这件灵感来源于咱们东营市市鸟的东方白鹳,以及这一件来源于东营特产黄河口大闸蟹的秋收蟹肥作品,都用到了前面说的焊接、点翠等工艺。”徐晓丽将作品与家乡特色融合,制作成现代化的工艺作品。

  “This piece is inspired by the oriental white stork, the city bird of Dongying, and this one is inspired by the autumn harvest of Yellow River estuary hairy crab, a specialty of Dongying. Both pieces utilize techniques like welding and kingfisher feather inlay that I mentioned earlier.” Xu Xiaoli integratesher hometown’s characteristics into her modern craftworks.


  When it comes to the inheritance of this intangible cultural heritage craftsmanship, Xu Xiaoli has her own plans. She has independently developed a course system for filigree, ranging from beginners to advanced learners, making it accessible to children from a young age.


  At the same time, Xu Xiaoli hopes to combine the traditional techniques and formulas passed down by the older generation with her own upgrades. By integrating traditional craftsmanship with modern equipment, she aims to innovate the filigree technique, preserving the traditional craft while making intangible cultural heritage products more diverse and affordable. Her ultimate goal is to bring traditional craftsmanship into more families.(耿建荣 陈子昊)

审签:赵 静

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