


  In the tumultuous era of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, marked by frequent warfare and the decay of rites and music, Mencius emerged as a guiding light in the darkness, providing guidance for future generations on state governance and personal virtue cultivation. He inherited and expanded upon Confucius's ideas, becoming the most distinguished Confucian scholar after Confucius, earning the esteemed title of “Second Sage“.

  逆旅人生二十载 四分之一的生命在路上

  Twenty Years of Odyssey: A Quarter of Life on the Road


  Looking back on Mencius's life, it was an odyssey from a fallen noble to a great Confucian master. In 372 BC, Mencius was born in the State of Zou (present-day Zoucheng, Shandong Province), a descendant of the noble family of Mengsun from the State of Lu. Lost his father at a young age, Mencius was raised under the careful guidance of his mother. He studied under the disciples of Confucius's grandson, Kong Ji, and after completing his studies, he began to travel among the various states to promote his political views and establish an ideal society. Over two decades, he visited various states such as Qi, Song, Teng, and Liang, even serving as a guest minister to King Xuan of Qi. Eventually, he returned to Zou, having spent a quarter of his life travelling. In his later years, Mencius taught and discussed statecraft strategies with his disciples, and compiled his thoughts into the book “Mencius“, creating a brilliant chapter in history.

  怀揣“平治天下”宏愿 丰富儒家“仁”学

  Holding the Grand Ambition of “Governing the World in Peace“ and Enriching Confucian “Benevolence“ Studies


  Mencius was not only a true “man of action“ but also an undisputed thinker. With the grand ambition of “governing the world in peace“, although he did not have the opportunity to fully realize his political aspirations, he steadfastly continued and developed Confucius's teachings in thought and practice, elevating Confucianism to new heights. Building on the foundation of “the theory of innate goodness“, Mencius carried forward Confucius's concept of “Ren(benevolence)“, proposing unique ideas of benevolent governance, including “promoting benevolence and love“, “focusing on the people as the foundation“ and “winning the people's hearts through benevolent politics“. These important concepts formed a people-oriented ideological system of “the people are more important than the ruler“ and “ruling by protecting the people“. Mencius also emphasized the importance of ethical morals such as “filial piety, brotherly respect, loyalty and righteousness“, advocated for “light punishments and fewer penalties“ and promoted the cultivation of “noble spirit“, stressing that one's moral character should match their social status. These ideas have gradually become part of the cultural genes of the Chinese nation, becoming an important force supporting the development of the national spirit.


  In the face of the declining influence of Confucianism at the time, Mencius shouldered the responsibility of reviving it, turning the faint embers of Confucianism into a raging fire. Throughout more than two thousand years, the brilliance of Mencius's thoughts has not diminished, always guiding people to seek goodness and truth, and inspiring future generations to continuously explore and practice.




  文案:武玮佳 刘明婕(实习编辑)



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